You’ve found some hotel real estate for sale, and after your purchase, you’re trying to think of new ways to enhance the visitor experience. You already know that you’re planning to offer room service to guests, but how can you try to maximize the revenue there? When you consider that the vast majority of your customers will be relatively tech-familiar, as well as possibly phone-call adverse, the idea of an in-room tablet makes a lot of sense. Take a look at five ways a tablet option may help you boost in-room dining revenue.
Reduced Chance of Order Errors
After a long day, your guests want a hassle- and error-free ordering experience from their room service. Too often, phone call orders are misunderstood or miswritten, and the guest is left disappointed and frustrated with their experience. By providing a tablet where customers can order at their own pace and thoroughly double-check their options before finalizing, you will give your guests the power to help ensure their order arrives exactly as they requested.
The Chance to Upsell
Technology such as tablets allow you to automate suggestions to the guest that they may appreciate based on their initial selections. Would you like bacon on that cheeseburger? How about dessert? Would you like a glass of wine delivered as well? By carefully managing the suggestions, so they are appreciated and not overwhelming, you can increase guest satisfaction as well as increase your revenue.
Realtime Status Checking
When you’re hungry and waiting for food to be delivered, sometimes the clock doesn’t feel like it’s moving at all! And if you’re on the dining preparation side, phone calls from guests to check on the status of their dinner only serves to take you away from food preparation and customer service. But with a tablet in hand, guests can check on the completion and delivery status of their order as often as they’d like—without impacting the ability of staff to get their order prepared as quickly as possible.
Ability to Capture Data
Tracking order history is very valuable for a business, to know the more popular options that guests tend to select. You can even track data for a specific guest, who might like to repeat a particularly enjoyable meal from their last visit to your property.
Capturing Feedback
A tablet system can be automated so that at some appropriate time interval after the food is delivered, your guest can receive a short survey about their experience. Survey feedback will provide your hotel staff with useful data to improve the experience for other guests in the future.
To ensure your hotel investment is a success, contact experienced hotel brokers at NewGen Advisory.
With help from NewGen Advisory, your hotel brokerage properties can gain in-room dining revenue through implementation of some great technologies!